The New satellites via plane DARPA

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Forget the rocket. DARPA, the research arm of the Department of Defense United States, wants to send satellites into orbit from the back of a plane. Airborne Launch project should cost less than $ 1 million for the launch, about 500 times cheaper than the space shuttle. A plane will fly as high as you can before releasing a vehicle that can carry 45 kilograms in space. The first launch early next year is expected.

"We aim to tackle abuse and trolls on the platform and we have absorbed in it for years"

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo admits that his company should do more to tackle online abuse in a memo obtained by filtering technology website The Verge

Unleash drones

One nation, under drones. A survey released last week by Reuters / Ipsos found that many Americans are warming to the idea of drones in everyday life. More than 60 percent said they would be fine with police officers flying unmanned aircraft deter crime, and 49 percent would let parents use them to monitor their children. However, 64 percent also said they did not want their neighbor has one.

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