how to make an laptop/pc run faster
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How to make your computer run faster
Two methods: WindowsMacintosh
Have you noticed that your computer runs slower than before? Or just slow in general? Try these strategies to make your computer run faster Windows or Mac.
Method 1 February: Windows
1 Check your hard disk space. As a general rule, you want to keep at least 15% of free hard disk space to keep equipment running smoothly. Just go to My Computer, right click on the local drive, and click Properties. There you will see a pie chart of your free space versus used. If it is almost full, you must start by removing unnecessary files and programs; if not, you probably want to address the real way the team works.
2. Remove any programs you do not use. Go to Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs (or Uninstall a program, depending on the operating system) to find a master list of programs installed on your computer. Some things will strike you as useless immediately, in which case it can be removed immediately. Other unfamiliar to you and may require a little research.
It can help you see how often the program is used. If you click one of the column headings above your list of programs (eg. Name, Editorial, size, installed, etc.) should be able to add additional features by which to judge their programs. For example, find last used in the list of options and verify that; one column display the last time you used each program appears now and can also be used to sort the programs. Some programs have not been used in years and may be candidates for elimination.
If in doubt, do not remove anything you do not recognize; can be critical to the operation of your computer - and if you delete twelve different things only to discover that your computer no longer functions properly, it will be very difficult to determine exactly where you went wrong.
Do not forget to empty the Recycle Bin.
3.Prevent unnecessary programs from starting when the computer starts. Most programs try to run while the computer starts, the slower your startup time will be. Check startup programs by altering system settings through MSConfig.
4.Change Power Options in Control Panel, for high performance if you have a desktop PC because it can prevent strangulation hardware by manufacturer!
5.Disable any programs running in the background. Background applications can take up valuable CPU cycles and RAM, so disable it does not need.
6.Remove any unnecessary in the context menu of Windows entries. Several programs compete to sit on the context menu, and if you are not actively using, disabling them will get your context menu to show much faster the next time you bring it up.
7.Install an anti-virus anti-malware Microsoft Security Essentials program, spyware scanner and also works well. The fewer errors, viruses, adware and pieces of his team has to manage, the more time you will have to devote to other processes. While you're at it, make a point of keeping Windows up to date; This will not only keep Windows itself in better shape, but some viruses travel on Windows updates that are downloaded so after the fact (and therefore not monitored as closely).
During the installation of an anti-virus program actually slow down your computer, malware slow it down more. If you are 100 percent sure that the virus will not infect you because of its safe computing habits, you may want to disable or remove your anti-virus utility.
8.Run a disk cleanup. This can clean up hundreds of megabytes of temporary files - sometimes even gigabytes (if you have Windows XP, Vista or 7). A window where you can choose what to delete is also open. Go to My Computer, right-click the hard drive and select Properties, then click Disk Cleanup (on the General tab). Check all boxes except for the game files and configuration files.
9.Get an SSD. Solid State Drives (SSD) can supplement or replace the hard disk, and they are faster and much safer than hard drives.
10.Run one Defragment disk. This reconfigure how the hard drive stores information for maximum efficiency. Go to My Computer, right-click the hard drive and select Properties, then go to the Tools tab and click Defragment Now.
11.Check the disk errors. They also slow down your computer. Go to My Computer, right-click the hard drive and select Properties, then go to the Tools tab and click Check Now in the Error Checking. When the dialog box opens, check both boxes.
If you get a window that says that Windows can not check the disk while it is in use, click Schedule disk check, and then click OK. It will run on the next reboot.
12.Turn indexing. Go to My Computer, right-click the hard drive and select Properties, then click and uncheck the box indicating that the unit must be indexed. Do not do this if you really use any of the search functions of Windows. Indexing background is what makes those searches faster and Windows is already very good about not getting in their way of doing indexing, while you are trying to do more.
13.Clear your Prefetch folder. Windows saves a file containing the program you are using to make it start up faster. After years of use, this folder is filled with irrelevant programs.
Open Notepad and type:
the C: \ Windows \ Prefetch \ * * / Q
Run dll32.exe advapi32.dll, ProcessIdleTasks (Copy and paste this text to ensure that not commit any error.)
Save as faster.bat (the .bat extension will run as a batch file).
Run it! Just double click the file to initialize. At times, the prompt will disappear and programs should run more smoothly.
14.Change Prefetch Parameters. This is a dangerous task to complete unless you follow these steps exactly. If you are unsure about anything, do not continue.
Go to Start> Run and type regedit to initialize the registry editor.
Go to H KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> Current Control Set> Control> Session Manager> Memory Management> Prefetch Parameters to access the parameters.
Double-click EnablePrefetcher. Once the new window appears, there should be a small text box, editable with the number 3 on it. (Windows allows 4 options: 0, 1, 2 and 3.) 3, the default, you get everything.
Change this to 2. Your PC starts much faster and the performance of your PC should not be affected.
Click OK and close regedit.
15.Disable any fantasy purposes of Windows. Go to Control Panel> System> Advanced System Settings and click on the bullet that says "Adjust for best performance".
16.Add RAM to your computer. To see if you need more RAM, initialize the Windows Task Manager by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL. On the Performance tab, find the space dedicated to physical memory. If the free amount oscillates around zero, but the computer is still slow, you may have to take your computer to add RAM or even add more RAM yourself.
17.Restart your computer. The team usually have to restart the computer to apply the changes.
18.Remove devices used. All devices that are running slow your computer.
19.Log users who do not want the computer. Change user account below, if you see that many users are connected, go to retire.
Method 2 February: Macintosh
1. Check your hard disk space. As a general rule, you want to keep around 30% of free hard disk space to keep things running smoothly. Simply click the hard disk icon on the desktop and select Get Info.
2.Uninstall unnecessary programs. You can uninstall manually or download a program to help sort and delete them. Some things will strike you as useless immediately, in which case it can be removed immediately. Other unfamiliar to you and may require to do some research.
If in doubt, do not remove anything you do not recognize; can be critical to the operation of your computer - and if you delete twelve different things only to discover that your computer no longer functions properly, it will be very difficult to determine exactly where you went wrong.
3.Delete files is not necessary. Unless you have very little storage space on your computer or just have a lot of unnecessary documents, delete small files will not make a big impact on the overall function of your computer. However, any large files like movies than ever Watch, photos do not need, or songs you never hear may actually interfere with the works and definitely should be removed.
Do not forget to empty the Recycle Bin.
4.Prevent unnecessary programs that start when you boot the Mac. Most programs try to run while the computer is booting, everything will be slower. Go to System> Preferences> Accounts> Start. Select the items you do not need and click the minus (-) to remove them.
5.Repair disk. Go to Applications> Utilities> Run Disk Utility to repair both the disk and disk permissions. It's a good idea to run this once a month or at least once every few months.
Dashboard widgets 6Remove unnecessary. Even if you have activated the dashboard, these widgets can eat up RAM running updates in the background while you try to do other things.
6.If you have OS X 10.4.2 or later, use Widget Manager: go to the Panel and open the widget bar, click the plus sign (+); click Manage Widgets and or deselect widgets off or, if the third party widgets, remove them completely by pressing the red button, which is a circle with a line through to remove and click OK to confirm online.
7 If you use Mac OS X, download a free program called monolingual. With OS X, much of the hard drive of your computer is dedicated to virtual memory and is eaten by language software availability. Monolingual will allow you to remove languages not used in order to free up space.
It is better to visualize things. So here is the video tutorial to help you make your Windows computer faster
A clean installation of the operating system will make your PC run faster, but all files are deleted.
If you want to be very careful, install a virtual machine and experiment with the changes there before you do on your PC.
It is best to create a system restore point before uninstalling any program or making any changes, so you can return to your equipment at a safe point if something goes wrong.
As a general rule, it is better not to play anything you are unsure about what is. Try reading through several guides on the web to understand what you are doing before you do it.
Never delete files in Windows system32! These are essential to run the operating system properly and break your computer.
Do not delete "shared" files! Sometimes a program that does not want to share files with the programs you want, make those files are not suitable for disposal. Remove the incorrect shared file can have far-reaching consequences.
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